La Facultad

The Internationalization Center

The Internationalization Center was created in January 2022 to contribute to the process of international projection of the faculty.



To promote the internationalization policy of the institution in the areas of teaching, research, and extension, with the purpose of knowing and, where appropriate, adopting and/or adapting the best practices in these areas, as implemented worldwide.


The Center for Internationalization is the space for students, academics, and researchers to establish and strengthen their ties with foreign institutions and agencies, thereby promoting their scientific and humanist training and promoting the development of joint research projects, as well as dual degree programs.


  • Study of foreign languages
  • National and international mobility
  • Calls for mobility for teachers
  • Global classrooms
  • Career travel, international missions, and short courses abroad
  • International conferences and seminars

Study of foreign languages

English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Portuguese courses are currently offered, and the Language Self-Learning Centre is available in both English and French.

Academic Mobility

International academic mobility is one of the main references of the internationalization of higher education, as well as the result of international academic cooperation between institutions.

International Advisory Council

Composed of successful personalities in the academic, scientific world, as well as influential in the performance of their profession. With the aim of proposing and advising the Direction of the Faculty for institutional strengthening.

Chair of the United Nations

It was approved by H. University Council in 2013 with the aim of promoting and preserving the values and principles of the United Nations in the university community.

Global Classrooms

They will make it possible to link faculties through their teachers and students, generating an enriching experience in the learning process with an international perspective.

Model of the OAS

The Summit of the Americas competition is made up of teams of universities from the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean where students represent the assigned member states of the OAS.

Convenios internacionales


Tel. (81) 8329 4000 Ext. 2976

Correo: internacionalizació

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