Bachelor in

Political Science and Government

Be the change you want to see in the world!

High-quality professionals that are able to perform at their maximum potential, pursue solutions to the real demands of society, and are fully aware of the local, national, and international situations.                                  

The political scientist possesses expertise to create, implement, advise, and evaluate public policies in an effective and efficient manner; lead or collaborate in processes related to management, consultancy, and advice in municipal states or federal governments; generate communication strategies and political analysis; and design electoral campaigns, creating a critical examination of political phenomena and the connection between the government, society, institutions, and economics.

The students are characterized by their leadership, honesty, and integral behavior, as well as their ability to work collaboratively with persistence, patience, and proactivity, attached to the principles of empathy, interpersonal relations, and social responsibility, with the purpose of building a participatory democracy, solving conflicts, and improving the human development rates of citizenship.


Más información

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales
UANL Campus Mederos

Praga y Trieste s/n
Col. Residencial Las Torres
Monterrey, N.L., C.P. 64930

8183294000 Ext. 2274

Whatsapp: 81 2358 1303

Integrating skills
Specific skills
Work field
  • Create innovative solutions based on an understanding of reality to help overcome the challenges of the global environment.
  • Assume leadership committed to social and professional demands to promote relevant social change.
  • Resolve personal and social conflicts in accordance with specific techniques in the academic field for proper decision-making.
  • Obtain the adaptability required by the uncertain social and professional environments of our time to create better living conditions.
  • Develop solutions to political and social problems that are viable and inclusive in different scenarios.
  • Design campaigns and political strategies by having a thorough understanding of electoral processes, being attached to the legal system, making use of political marketing tools, traditional media, social networks, and the integral management of the campaign team.
  • Participate in the formulation, execution, and evaluation of public policies that accord with the principles of public management, ensuring transparency, inclusion, and encouraging citizen participation.
  • Plan the use of public resources through the budget with public administration tools.
  • Municipal, State and Federal Government
  • Private Initiative
  • Non-Governmental Agencies
  • Media
  • Political Consulting
  • Electoral Campaigns

Why study with us?

We stand out for training the best professionals in Northeast Mexico. You will also be part of a bachelor’s degree certified nationally and internationally by agencies that guarantee quality and relevance in academic programs.

You are one step away from starting the best experience of your personal and professional training. We are waiting for you in our Faculty.


First semester

  • Fundamentals of management
  • Analysis and writing techniques
  • Introduction to sustainable development
  • Introduction to political science
  • Introduction to international relations
  • Introduction to tourism
  • Numerical reasoning
  • Ethics and culture of legality

Second semester

  • Geography
  • Introduction to law
  • Research in the social sciences
  • Peace culture
  • Leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Gender culture
  • Social responsibility and sustainable development

Third semester

  • Basic statistics for the social sciences
  • Geopolitics
  • Contemporary universal history
  • Constitutional law
  • Public administration
  • History of political thought
  • Pressure groups and political actors
  • Political parties

Cuarto semestre

  • Applied statistics for the social sciences
  • Introduction to economics
  • Administrative accounting
  • Administrative law
  • Foreign policy of Mexico
  • Government and public policies
  • Political theory
  • Civil society, citizenship and political culture

Quinto semestre

  • Quantitative research
  • Microeconomics
  • Theory of democracy
  • History of economic thought
  • Government and public management
  • History of political thought in Mexico
  • Optional fundamental training: I, II and III

Sexto semestre

  • Qualitative research
  • Macroeconomics
  • Human rights
  • Parliamentary law and legislative processes
  • Foreign language for political science
  • Optional fundamental training IV and V

Séptimo semestre

  • Transparency and access to information
  • Governance and governability
  • Public ethics, government and social problems
  • Local and federal public administration
  • Analysis of political data and democracy
  • Strategies and political campaign in social networks
  • Evaluation and audits of local governments
  • Integrative training elective I

Octavo semestre

  • Social service (only for Mexicans)
  • Finance and government accounting
  • Integrative training elective II and III

Noveno semestre

  • Seminar for professional performance
  • Integrative training elective IV
  • Learn about the electives CLICK HERE.

Lic. en Ciencias Políticas y Gobierno

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