Master of

Political Science and Government

Be the change you want to see in the world!

The Master of Political Science and Government responds to the current conditions presented by the economic, political, social, and labor environment, forming graduates who have the capacity to respond to demands with a high degree of complexity and uncertainty typical of a changing and plural society that requires responses. The master’s in political science provides viable alternatives from the disciplinary field of Political Science and Public Administration.

The fundamental objective of the master’s degree in Political Science and Government is to train specialists in the field of political theory, governance processes, public management, and public policies, who can analyze problems specific to these disciplines. The program is intended to provide skills to propose solutions with a high degree of reliability to work in government institutions, non-profit organizations, higher education institutions and political parties or other organizations in the sector.

The program’s courses combine theory with practice, relying on various learning methods such as case studies. Finally, the master’s program in Political Science and Government considers the context of various national and international factors, in order to consolidate a cutting-edge educational offer that meets the needs of those interested in increasing their knowledge of various disciplinary branches of the field of political science.


Más información


Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales

UANL Campus Mederos

Praga y Trieste s/n
Col. Residencial Las Torres
Monterrey, N.L., C.P. 64930

8183294000 Ext. 2275


 The duration of the master’s Program in Political Science covers an academic period with a minimum duration of four semesters, and a maximum of five semesters, which consists of 3 semesters of lessons, and a semester for the degree qualification and achievement, the student may request an extension of up to one semester for the termination of the program.

 To register you must first take your general knowledge exam, as well as the English exam. For which you will have to visit the page of the UANL, in the option Aspirants / Postgraduate.

Candidates to enter must submit documentation preferably on the registration dates, to be able to verify that they meet the requirements to be graduate students and must submit the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Curriculum format CONACYT
  • Official certificate that endorses the minimum average of 80 (eighty), can be a Kardex or constancy with average
  • Copy of the title or record of examination that demonstrates having obtained the academic degree of bachelor.
  • Copy of bachelor’s Certificate
  • Copy of Applicant’s Official ID (Voter ID or Valid Passport)
  • Copy of CURP
  • 4 Color Child Size Photos
  • Copy of Birth Certificate

Plan de Estudios

Primer semestre Créditos
Teoría Política Contemporánea 5
Teoría de la Administración Pública 5
Optativa I 4
Optativa II 6
Segundo semestre Créditos
Diseño y Evaluación de Políticas Públicas 5
Finanzas Públicas 5
Optativa III 5
Libre elección* Planeación y Evaluación de la Gestión Pública 5
Tercer semestre Créditos
Optativa IV 6
Presupuesto y Gasto Público 6
Ética, Pública y Legalidad 4
Gobierno Abierto, Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas 4
Cuarto semestre Créditos
Planeación Gubernamental y Sustentabilidad 3

Optativa V

Estancia Académica



Producto Integrador 11
Catálogo de Optativas
Optativa I Metodología de la Investigación ó Teorías del Desarrollo Económico
Optativa II Marco Jurídico del Estado Mexicano ó Economía Política, Sociedad e Instituciones
Optativa III Sistemas Políticos y Estructuras de Poder ó Relaciones Internacionales y Política Exterior
Optativa IV Democracia, Representación y Participación Política ó Gerencia y Elección Pública
Optativa V Comunicación Social y Mercadotecnia Política ó Procesamiento, Análisis e Interpretación de Información Cualitativa  y Cuantitativa

Why study with us?

We stand out for training the best professionals in Northeast Mexico. You will also be part of a master’s degree certified nationally and internationally by agencies that guarantee quality and relevance in academic programs.

You are one step away from starting the best stage in your personal and professional training. We wait for you in our Faculty.

Nuestros profesores

Contamos con una planta docente especializada y con alta preparación.

Dra. María Lourdes López

Cuenta con una Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación por la Universidad de Monterrey. Además tiene un Doctorado en Política Pública por la Escuela de Gobierno y Política Pública. Se desempeñó como Consejera Electoral del Consejo General del Instituto Federal Electoral, designada por la Cámara de Diputados de la LIX Legislatura.

Dr. Carlos Muñiz

Licenciado en Comunicación Audiovisual (2000) y doctor en Comunicación (2007) por la Universidad de Salamanca (España). Actualmente es Profesor Titular de la FCPyRI, donde imparte docencia en nivel licenciatura y posgrado. Es coordinador del Laboratorio de Comunicación Política (LACOP) y líder del Cuerpo Académico en Consolidación de “Comunicación Política y Opinión Pública”. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) de CONACYT nivel II.

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