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La Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales firmará un convenio marco de cooperación interinstitucional con el Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles de Madrid, institución de gran prestigio a nivel internacional, que contribuirá a los procesos de internacionalización de la UANL. Los objetivos de dicho convenio serán la promoción de la investigación científica de manera conjunta,...
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The aim of the article is to analyze the experiences of migration of South American women scholars, their arrival and incorporation in two Mexican universities, one in the center-south and another located in the north-east of the country. We assume that in their migratory process, the academics acquired a series of experiences that allowed them...
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The literature on New Developmentalism has been reframing the developmental state’s characteristics throughout the different historical conjunctures experienced within the international order. This paper argues that developmentalism has been reinventing itself as a branch of the comparative-historical method. To achieve this, the article assesses the evolution of developmentalism as a comparative-historical method which has been...
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